Thirty somethings miss out on sleep

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



76549214The big three-o is already an unwelcome milestone for many, but now a new poll has provided an extra reason for us to dread its arrival. According to a survey published by YouGov earlier this month, adults aged 25 to 39 are the group who are the least likely to get a good night’s sleep, with 65 per cent stating they don’t get enough hours of rest each night. Overall the survey found respondents lean more on the side of sleep-deprived than well-rested, with 45 per cent of participants saying they get ‘about the right amount of sleep’ compared to 51 per cent who think they ‘get less sleep than [they] need’. Nine per cent of participants even reported getting five hours sleep or less each night – a sign that insomnia remains a problem for many.