Teen sleep deprivation highlighted ahead of new school term

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



86809327As a new school year approaches, one online resource has highlighted the problems associated with sleep deprivation in teens and the serious consequences they can have on learning. Patch.com asserted that mood changes can turn a teen into "a monosyllabic, glowering creature" as a result of a lack of sleep. It also underlined how poor rest is also linked to absenteeism and lateness, in turn lowering academic performance. "Tired teens gain more weight and have poor nutrition;" it continued, adding that "they may have no time for breakfast or increase their caffeine intake to try to wake up." Fatigue, the website continued, also heightens the chance of accident and injury. Patch.com explained that to aid sleep, 30 minutes of electronic-free time should be exercised before bed, when phones and computers are switched off to give teens a chance to relax as they drift off.