Study shows direct link between texting and sleep deprivation in college students

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Texting a lot and sleep deprivation are directly linked in young adults, a new study has shown. The research, which was carried out by Washington and Lee University psychology professor Karla Murdock, found a strong correlation between receiving a high number of texts per day and poor sleep in first-year college students. The study examined links among text-messaging behaviour, interpersonal stresses as well as three indicators of the students' health: burnout, sleep problems and emotional well-being, reports Science Daily.
As well as establishing a significant link between frequent texting and sleep deprivation, researchers found that the impact of texting on psychological wellbeing depended on the level of stress participants were already facing. Researchers believe that the reasons behind the link could include feeling pressured to respond to texts immediately, and sleeping with the phone nearby.
"These correlational findings provide an initial indication that heavy text messaging could be problematic during times of stress," writes Murdock. "Although speculative, it could be argued that text messaging is a uniquely unsuitable mode of communication for coping with interpersonal stress in close relationships." Study shows direct link between texting and sleep deprivation in college students Study shows direct link between texting and sleep deprivation in college students