Sleeping habits impacted by our lifestyle

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



83886006UK research has revealed that our sleeping habits are impacted by our lifestyle. A study conducted by the University of Surrey found that employees who were unhappy in their jobs were most likely to have unsatisfactory sleep - with a third of unsatisfied employees reporting poor sleep compared with 18 per cent of those who claimed to be happy in their jobs. Those who weren’t employed reported even more difficulties in getting a good night’s rest and were 40 per cent more likely to have difficulty sleeping compared to those in employment. The research also revealed that those working longer hours are more likely to sleep less and have poorer quality sleep when they do. Sara Arber, professor of sociology at the University of Surrey, said: "Health promotion campaigns should be open to the possibility that the increased incidence of sleep problems among the disadvantaged in society may be one factor leading to their poorer health."