Sleep technology set to aid our rest in the New Year

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



If Las Vegas' Consumer Electronics Show is anything to go by, then 2014 may be the year where we all become a little more conscientious about our sleep habits. According to the BBC, more than a dozen sleep-related products and prototypes were unveiled at the exhibition, equating to a keener interested in sleep from consumers. One product featured was the Aura, created by Withings – a smart sleep system which measures your sleep, waking you at the time that best suits your body in the morning. To record your sleep, the Aura consists of a sensor that is slipped under your mattress. This can then measure your body movements, heart rate and monitor your breathing. The system also includes a stand-alone device that should sit next to your bed – this studies noise levels, room temperature and light levels, as well as displaying a clock, LED lamp and an alarm. The Aura sends your sleep information to its corresponding app on your smartphone, ready for you to review the following day. The LED lamp of the Aura changes colour with the time so that a soft yellow glow begins an artificial sunrise, subconsciously edging your body towards a more natural awakening. The colours used closely echo studies that have researched the effect of certain colours on wakefulness and sleepiness. Though the technology of sleep is still in the early stages of development, systems like the Aura could help us learn more about how we sleep, as we sleep – and though we should probably be cautious about all the benefits the various manufacturers of sleep gadgets promise, understanding ourselves is the best place to begin a more restful 2014. Sleep technology set to aid our rest in the New Year Sleep technology set to aid our rest in the New Year