Sleep expert offers tips on how to get a good night's sleep

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



57564237For the whopping nine in ten of us who struggle to get decent shut-eye on a nightly basis in our single beds, any advice on how to improve the quality and quantity of our sleep is typically welcomed and a leading sleep expert has offered tips to help. In an interview with the Daily Mail (published February 5th), Slumberdown's sleep expert Phil Atherton explained that preparation before you crawl under the covers is key to getting the sleep your mind and body needs. For this reason, you should avoid eating before bedtime, cut down on stimulants like coffee and sugary drinks and refrain from drinking too much alcohol, Mr Atherton advised. He went on to explain that it's important to rid your mind of worry before your head touches the pillow using techniques like writing a to do list, taking a hot bath and listening to soothing music, as well as creating a comfortable sleeping space. He also emphasised the importance of eating, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day to condition your body into a healthy sleep pattern.