Sleep apnoea causes three-year-old boy to have unrivalled napping abilities

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Have you ever heard of sleep apnoea? It's a condition that affects your sleep, as, according to the NHS, "the muscles and soft tissues in the throat relax and collapse sufficiently to cause a total blockage of the airway; it is called an apnoea when the airflow is blocked for 10 seconds or more." A surprising amount of people are already receiving medical attention for sleep apnoea, and many more may not even know that they have it. However, when you or your child don't fit into the usual symptom brackets, the diagnosis can be easily overlooked. That was the case for mother Andrea Evans of Ontario, Canada, who started collating proof of her son's bizarre sleeping habits to show to their doctor. The Daily Mail report tells of Owen Evan's strange sleeping positions that have markedly improved since the three-year-old underwent surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids. "Before he would wake up before 5am - usually because of his own snoring or his trouble breathing and then crash at around 10am or so," Andrea said. These crashes could happen anywhere. At the dinner table, whilst playing with toys, during a haircut – and Owen's mum documented all the positions he dozed off in, to make the point that these were not normal napping habits. "We started taking these pictures and videos to document what our doctor didn't really see to be an issue at the time," Andrea added. Happily, Owen's situation has since gotten much better, and he now enjoys more routine sleep in his own bed. Sleep apnoea causes three-year-old boy to have unrivalled napping abilities Sleep apnoea causes three-year-old boy to have unrivalled napping abilities