Less time in bed 'leads to high blood pressure'

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



56385037While everyone knows that an average or poor night of sleep can leave people feeling less than perky the next day, it now seems like a bad evening of rest may have more serious implications for overall health and longevity. The American Heart Association published figures this week that suggest consistently poor sleep causes major rises in blood pressure. Findings underlined how participants that people who get the least deep sleep - and the smallest amount of "slow wave sleep" (SWS) - have an 83 per cent greater chance of hypertension than those getting the most. The research looked at men over the age of 65, due to the age group being known to be more likely to suffer from sleep issues. However, scientists believe that women will also be subject to the same problems. Professor Espie, who led the study, said: "This is yet another high quality research report that adds to the mounting evidence that sleep is associated with every aspect of our health and well-being."