Early nights may help keep teens fit

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



86800705Parents often nag their teenagers to get an early night in bed but there now may be a scientific reason to do so. New data has revealed that going to bed early may in fact be a key factor in reducing obesity and improving fitness in teens. In a study by the University of Australia, published last month in the journal SLEEP, the bedtimes and waking times of more than 2000 individuals between the ages of nine and 16 were examined. The results showed that night owls, even when sleeping the same amount as their early bird counterparts, were generally less fit and more prone to obesity. Late nights were blamed in part by attractive evening television, the popularisation of social networking sites such as Facebook, and socially interactive online gaming options. Dr Carol Maher, co-author of the study alongside Professor Tim Olds, said: “At the same time, when they sleep in they are missing the opportunities for sports and other physical activities that tend to be held or undertaken in the mornings.”