Can sleeping positions impact on wrinkles?

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



80619534It is often said that getting enough beauty sleep can help maintain a youthful-looking appearance. However, sleeping habits many impact the way your visage ages, according to The Harley Medical Group. In an article published by the cosmetic surgery provider last week (September 28th), Bernadette Harte – a non-surgical training manager with the group – explains how there could be a link between the side of the face that is frequently slept on and the side which develops more fine lines and wrinkles. These signs of ageing often appear deeper around the eyes and the nasolabial fold (the line running from the nose to the mouth), due to extended pressure between the face and pillow. Ms Harte went on to say that there are some preventional measures that can be taken, however: “To avoid your sleeping side being noticeable through these ‘tells’, it would be best to sleep on your back with minimal pillows, however this would become much less noticeable, if at all, if the patient is having regular non-surgical treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers.”