Over 50’s Bed Buying Tips

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren


Sleep Well

The Sealy Avalon Divan BedThe exact purpose of why we sleep isn’t abundantly clear, but through studying a lack of sleep, it is believed that the main function of sleep is to help rest and repair the body. As we get older this becomes even more important and a good night’s rest is a must. The notion that less sleep is needed in middle age and beyond is a myth according to sleep specialist Dr Sean Drummond a psychologist at San Diego University. In an article in the Daily Mail earlier this year he was quoted as saying “It’s a fallacy. The quantity of sleep we need does not go down as we age, but the ability to sleep in one chunk does get lost.” That’s why even when sleeping it’s important the body is rested properly. Finding the right type of bed is vital so it doesn’t contribute to making the aches and pains that comes with growing older any worse. An article by Claire Rayner  at the Sleep Council website offers some advice on things the over 50’s should Consider to ensure they make the right bed purchase. These include- Comfort Making sure the bed you choose gives the right amount of comfort and support is crucial. The only person who knows if it fits the criteria is you. So don’t be embarrassed and go to a good bed retailer and lie on as many beds as you can comparing the comfort and support they give, until you find one that is suitable. Specialist Beds While some older people may need specialist beds because they suffer from specific ailments, the vast majority of over 50’s are perfectly healthy and shouldn’t jump into buying something they don’t need. Adjustable beds do make getting in and out of bed much easier, but if you don’t have any real mobility issues, then a bed with high lines like the Sealy Avalon Divan also aids getting in and out of bed, but is ales expensive option.  Back pain and stiffness does occur more as you get older, but buying an expensive orthopaedic or adjustable bed might not always be the answer to improving the condition. These types of beds might prove to be too hard for many people as although older people suffer from back pain, they also have more vulnerable joints too.  That’s why it is important to try the bed before you buy   You can read the whole article on bed buying tips for the over 50’s at the Sleep Council website.  There are lots of great articles and information on sleep-or the lack of it-and the website is well worth a visit.