Top 7 Foods For Better Sleep

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren


Sleep Well

Just as some foods help wake your brain up in the morning, there are a bunch of others that are great for easing you into sleep at night. What we’re looking for here are foods rich in Magnesium, Calcium and Tryptophan, which help relax nerves and muscles. If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep, try eating some of these around 2 hours before bedtime: Bananas Probably the best food for the job, bananas are very high in muscle-relaxing nutrients magnesium and potassium – great for relaxing overstressed muscles. Honey Sweet foods are usually a bad idea before bedtime but the glucose in honey works differently and helps to reduce alertness in the brain. Warm milk Milk is absolutely full of calcium, which helps induce good sleep. Plus it has a lovely soothing effect on the body when it’s drunk warm. Oatmeal Oatmeal is a great source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and potassium – which are all great nutrients for sleep. Chamomile tea A few sips of chamomile tea should relax your body and mind after a tough day thanks to its mild sedating effect. Almonds Not only are almonds one of the best things you can eat for a good night’s sleep, they’re also high in protein which can help maintain a stable blood sugar level while you’re asleep. Cherries Research published in The Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Research showed that consuming cherries or cherry juice before bedtime helped people sleep much faster and easier. foods-that-help-you-sleep