Can you sleep yourself clever?

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



76758333Students are often warned against staying up late to study the night before an exam, but new research suggests that having a nap after a good study sesh can help you remember what you’ve learnt. Research by the University of Lubeck recently published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, reveals the brain stores information more accurately during sleep. The German study involved 24 participants memorising pairs of cards in two sessions, with half of the volunteers taking a brief snooze before embarking on the second session. In both cases the volunteers were subjected to an unpleasant whiff whilst completing the tasks and the 12 individuals who had a 40 minute catnap between the two sessions were also subjected to the odour as they slumbered. When asked to recall the pairs from the first task the group who’d enjoyed a little shuteye performed significantly better – great news for anyone who finds themselves drifting off half way through revising! sleepy