Best Mattress for a Teenager

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Best Mattress for a Teenager

With so many distractions in today's modern age, it can be a struggle to make sure teenagers get enough quality sleep to say the least! From tempting technological devices to busy social calendars and seemingly never-ending homework, good sleep is seldom on the radar of the next generation. 

In this blog, we take a look at young people's relationship with sleep, why they need so much and what to keep in mind when you're looking for the best mattresses for teenagers. 


What to consider when buying a mattress for a teenager

The best weapon in your arsenal when it comes to quality kip, is a top-quality mattress, and that is no different for adolescents. But with kids who can fall asleep anywhere, what should you be thinking about when you are on the hunt for a mattress for a teenager? 

Mattress Size

When it comes to kids and mattresses, no one size fits all. Different children will grow up physically at different rates meaning, as a first port of call, it’s best to bust out the tape measure and figure out how much mattress space your teenager needs. For those experiencing their first outbreak of spots at 13, a single mattress could be plenty of space, but if their 20s are fast approaching then perhaps a double bed is in order.

Just don't forget to budget for those unexpected growth spurts!

For more information on mattress sizes, why not check out our go to guide on What Size Mattress would be best for your needs.

Mattress Quality

When it comes to quality, your mattress should offer unwavering all-round support. Most teenagers will get heavier as they get older, so your mattress needs to be made of sturdy stuff. It is also worthwhile thinking about your mattress’ heat distribution properties. As teenagers get used to hormones (and puberty!), temperature regulation might prove difficult but a well designed mattress could help your adolescent to stay cool and experience a truly restful sleep. 

Mattress Comfort

Teenagers are growing and growing pains often come with the territory. Having a strong mattress which can cater for a heavier body may make your young one’s mattress last for longer. However, beyond catering for growth spurts, your teenager needs to feel a supreme sense of comfort when they dive into bed each night. If your child is super active, it could be worthwhile considering an Orthopaedic mattress in order to help soothe any aches and pains. 


What mattress firmness is best for a teenager?

When it comes to selecting your mattress’ firmness, you should think about how much your teenager weighs and how they sleep. The bigger the young person, the sturdier mattress you might want to invest in. Our Millbrook Ortho Deluxe Wool Pocket mattress is a perfect choice if you’re looking for something on the firmer side. The Millbrook comes with high levels of back support and comes with reinforced sides for increased stability. 

However, firmness is a very subjective aspect of buying a new mattress. If your teenager sleeps on their front, a firmer mattress is the way to go as it helps prevent the sleeper’s back from curving too much. For the side sleepers out there, our Sleep Sanctuary OneLife Memory Pocket Mattress could be just the ticket with its memory foam technology helping to dissipate heat and improve blood circulation. 

At Time4Sleep, on our online website you can view our varied range of mattresses and filter down the many options by firmness of mattress so whatever your preference, we’ve got you covered. 

Why do teenagers need so much sleep?

Adults need roughly seven hours per night to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day, but a teenager should be aiming for between eight and ten hours of sleep. Whilst sleep is vital for all of us, adolescents need that little bit extra in order to support their mental and physical development.

Firstly, sleep is a fundamental component to physical growth which young people will be going through regularly during their teenage years. Deep sleep for teenagers triggers hormone release which promotes growth, helps the body to repair itself and develop muscles. Catching forty winks on a regular basis can also reduce the risks of obesity, diabetes and heart problems.

Sleep is also important to a child's learning. Waking up feeling unrested and groggy is unlikely to be helpful in that early morning maths class! But a restorative night's kip can help your child fly when it comes to school. Not only will teenagers feel generally more alert and able to concentrate but during sleep we all process and consolidate memories, making it easier to remember key details which could come in very handy when it comes to GCSEs and A-Levels.

A great night's rest is also one of the best protector's of teenage mental health. For adolescents, a bad sleep can increase feelings of anxiety and risks of suffering from depression. Encouraging your kids to embrace a comfortable and restorative night's sleep could help them manage their emotions which might prove to be overwhelming if they haven't got enough quality shut eye. You can also check out our blog for mental health week on the relationship between sleep and mental health

Searching for more ways to boost your sleep quality?

At Time4Sleep we are here to help when it comes to all things sleep. If you’ve got lots of sleep related questions, check out our Time4Sleep blog which discusses questions like “How far away should your phone be when you sleep? and what do dreams of fire mean?