Stay Warm and Safe in Your Bed this Winter

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



During the cold winter nights this time of year brings, curling up under the duvet seems to be the pastime of choice for many. But there's nothing worse than getting into a cold bed, unable to get warm and cosy and drift off for a peaceful night's rest. While many will turn to extra layers, heaters and electric blankets this year, we take a look at how to keep yourself warm, and more importantly safe, while wrapping up this winter.

Layer up

The simplest way to keep cosy when tucked up in bed is to layer up. Whether that's with extra soft blankets, bed socks, thermal pyjamas or an extra vest, even the smallest additional piece of clothing can make a difference. Try tucking your pyjama bottoms into your socks for added comfort. Plus, it'll stop them riding up and exposing your legs to the elements throughout the night.

Hot water bottles

Those who are perpetually cold will no doubt agree - during the winter months, a hot water bottle becomes your new best friend. Fill her up and cosy down - just make sure you put some cold water in and use a cover too so as not to scold yourself. Place one in your bed a few moments before you get in it for a nice warm welcome as you dive under the covers. And don't forget to check the top's on tight - you'll soon be falling out with it if it leaks!

A warming routine

As well as stocking up on blankets and filling your hot water bottle, changing certain things about your night time routine can help you warm up ready to snuggle down and drift off to sleep. Having a warm drink before bed, such as herbal tea or warm milk - or laying in a warm bath - can help you keep cosier for longer during these dark and dreary nights.

Electric blankets

If you use an electric blanket, you'll most likely be aware of how important it is to use them safely. While they can turn your mattress into a toasty treat, taking a few simple precautions can reduce the risk of harm. Before you use it, give it a good check over for anything untoward, such as fraying, exposed areas or any problems with the cable. The Fire Service recommends replacing them every ten years, and if you're unsure about anything with it, simply don't use it. You can find more information about electric blanket safety here.


Sometimes, when the central heating just isn't enough, and you physically can't wear any more layers to sleep in, an additional heater can help keep your bedroom all the more cosy. When using an additional heater in your bedroom, remember to switch it off before you go to sleep. The Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service has some helpful information about how to ensure you use additional heaters safely, so take a look before you use yours.


Sometimes, it's not just you that can sport a few extra-warm layers this season. Changing a few pieces around your bedroom can help to insulate it. For example, thick curtains can help prevent that precious heat from escaping. If you'd rather not replace your whole set, you can get special lining to go behind your current curtains to thicken them up and help keep that temperature a little higher. Investing in a winter duvet can also help keep in the heat. Nowadays, you can buy sets that have an attachable layer to increase the duvet's tog rating in winter, while just using a thinner layer in summer.