Bedding Down: What Kind of Sleeper Are You?

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



We've all heard of the classic titles given to the different ways people choose to sleep, be that the free-faller, the starfish or the classic foetal position - but what about those that incorporate their bedding into their sleeping style? Read on fellow sleep fans, and find out just what kind of sleeper you areā€¦ Bedding Down: What Kind of Sleeper Are You? First up are the Corner Nest-Makers. Classic traits of a Nest-Maker include hoarding numerous pillows, cushions and other nesting materials, as well as spending a good ten minutes before bed creating the ideal cosy sleeping environment. Can't sleep without a pillow to rest on in all possible directions? Chances are you're a Corner Nest-Maker. Bedding Down: What Kind of Sleeper Are You? Perhaps one of the more commonly seen sleeping habits, the classic foetal position here couples with a comforting pillow hug to form the Pillow-Cuddlers category. For this group, a pillow is simply not just a soft cloud-like place to rest your head, oh no - it is in fact an additional source of warmth, a staple reminder of the power of the cuddle and the dreamy rest that it brings. Key signs of the classic Pillow-Cuddler include a perfectly placed pillow, with another reserved especially for cuddling, hidden under the neatly-tucked duvet. Bedding Down: What Kind of Sleeper Are You? One of the rarer categories in this collection is the Sausage-Rollers. Rare due to its distinct tucked-in-all-round style, a true Sausage-Roller will have no gaps exposing limbs to the outside world. Often requiring a high level of skill to obtain, the results provide maximum warmth for a neatly tucked-in night's sleep. Note: Sausage-Rollers don't often make great duvet-sharers. Bedding Down: What Kind of Sleeper Are You? A group that most people will relate to, the Freedom Leg category refers to those that like the comfort and coverage of a duvet, but find their temperature is controlled just that little bit better when having a leg stuck outside the covers in the fresh air. Not just limited to legs, however, the Freedom Leg group extends to feet, arms and hands too. Bedding Down: What Kind of Sleeper Are You? Most people love the cold side of the pillow, so will probably relate to the Cool Comfort-Seekers motives, but this group refers to those that constantly seek a cool source of refreshment. That might include the cool cotton of a pillow case, a cold wooden bedframe, a glass of water or even a constant draft from an open window. Cool Comfort-Seekers need their temperature to be just right - common signs include fidgeting, constantly turning the pillow and wafting the duvet for ventilation. However you arrange them, having your pillow and duvet in just the right place can help you to get comfortable when settling down. If you'd like more information about creating the best possible sleeping position, or how to make yourself more comfortable, the Sleep Council has some handy information on sleeping positions. And finally - which of our categories best sums up your sleeping style? We'd love to hear from you!