Bed bug problems rise; myths debunked by experts

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



92735289Bed bugs are an alarming prospect for anyone's home, as the little critters can turn anyone's sanctuary into an unliveable mess. Their presence is growing, too; this week (July 18th), the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) revealed that since 2000, bed bug infestations have risen by 81 per cent. This jump in numbers has put the organisation on high alert and entomologist at the University of California Berkley Gail Getty said that luckily, bed bugs are actually pretty simple to understand. "Understanding the basics is the first line of defence a consumer has against the unwelcomed critters, which can take a toll both financially and emotionally on a victim," she said. The NPMA went on to cast myths about bed bugs away. For instance, it asserted that bed bugs do not carry deadly diseases, though added that pesticides and chemicals will not destroy all stages of bed bugs. Leaving a house empty for a few weeks will not kill them off, either. Possibly the most important point of all is that bed bugs do not discriminate between poor or rich people, or different levels of hygiene. "Anyone can get bed bugs," the NPMA stated.