#BeatTheFear: What is the Sunday Fear?

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Ever get that feeling of dread on a Sunday evening, knowing that the alarm's going to go off at some wicked hour tomorrow morning, and you'll no longer be able to lay under your cosy duvet and dream the day away like you have done for the past two glorious days? The feeling of anxiety, and never-ending wish that the weekend had an extra day in it, is what we know as the Sunday fear. Much akin to the feeling of not wanting to go back to school after a holiday you may have felt as a youngster, the Sunday fear is by no means fun. Chances are that you'll have all experienced the Sunday fear at some point. Regardless of how good your day at work on Monday might be, sometimes just knowing that you can't stay in your pyjamas, enjoy breakfast in bed or have a box-set binge is enough to dampen anyone's spirits after a great weekend. For some, the feeling of anxiety can even go as far as affecting how well you sleep, making for one truly miserable Monday - and no one likes that! That's why at Time4Sleep, we're determined to help rid such feelings with our brand new #BeatTheFear campaign. We've put together a great collection of tips, advice and motivation to help you through those few hours on a Sunday, when the sudden realisation that the weekend is over sets in. We'll be covering different ways you can beat it, inspirational quotes and stories, as well as some tips for planning a Monday you can't wait to start. So if the Sunday fear is something that sounds all too familiar to you, be sure to keep an eye out for our handy advice.