Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren


Sleep Well

Do you have problem getting to sleep? If you do you are not alone. It’s estimated there are over 7 million people who suffer from insomnia in the UK. Signs that you may be suffering from insomnia include, being irritable, still feeling tired when you wake up in the morning, waking up numerous times during the night and not being able to get to sleep. For most of us sleep problems are only temporary and occurs especially in times of stress. Moving house, worrying about work, getting married are all things that can trigger a bout of insomnia. Everyone is different, but on average an adult needs around 7-8.5 hours of sleep per night. There are some things you can do to try and combat the problem and help you get a good night sleep and we have listed a few tips below. ? When You Feel Tired Go To Bed – When you start to feel tired in the evening go to bed and turn out the light. If you don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and make a hot drink. Don’t lie worrying about not being able to sleep...this only makes things worse. ? Bedroom Temperature – Make sure your bedroom isn’t too hot or stuffy and has decent ventilation. Most people sleep better in a room where it is slightly cool. ? Beds– It’s important you are sleeping in a bed that is large enough to accommodate you stretching and turning in comfort. ? Mattress and Pillows – A good mattress offering the right support can aid good sleep and it’s important to renew your mattress before it get s too old and saggy. ? Pillows - Pillows should provide good support and it is worth considering buying a memory foam pillow as the pillow moulds into the exact shape of your neck and head and can help with snoring and other sleep problems. ? Establish a Routine –Before going to bed each evening try and establish some sort of routine that can be associated with bedtime. Maybe having a hot milky drink, taking a relaxing bath or even just getting ready for bed at the same time each night can help. ? Relax – Try reading a book or listening to music to help you drop off. Deep breathing exercises can also help If you suffer from problems sleeping why not check out our expert’s page at our website where contact information for all sorts of sleep related problems can be found.