What are the best positions for sleeping?

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



78629583We've all got our own unique way of sleeping in our single beds, but it has been reported that one in four of us feel unhappy about the amount of sleep we get, while one in ten live with a sleep disorder like insomnia. In light of this, a leading sleep expert has revealed the best positions to boost your sleep quality. In an interview with the Sun, published today (February 2nd), Marianne Davey from the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association examined the pros and cons of popular positions: "log", "soldier", "foetus", "yearner", "starfish" and "freefall". Around 60 per cent of Brits drift off to sleep in the foetal position, but most sleep experts would recommend the yearner - that is, lying on one side of your body with your arms reaching out. This position allows your back discs, muscles and ligaments to relax in an optimal position. On the other hand, she criticised the soldier and starfish positions as both involve lying on your back and, as a result, can increase your chances of snoring. She also explained that the freefall position - falling asleep on your front with your head turned and arms up - can cause stiffness, despite its ability to encourage the digestive system.