The Perfect Bedtime Routine

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Sleep – some people love it, some people struggle with it, but it’s something we need as a matter of health, it’s something we often crave (especially on a cold Monday morning), but how can we make sure we actually get enough of it? Turns out, having a bedtime routine could actually help you drift off. That doesn’t mean you have to have a warm bath and be read a bedtime story every night, but incorporating a few night-time rituals can really help you switch off and get into the right frame of mind for sleeping. But how do you do that? Easy Listening at Home Sort your bedroom out You may have heard the phrase “tidy house, tidy mind” bandied around, but the same notion applies to your bedroom in particular. Having a room that’s full of clutter can have you feeling tense without you even realising it, so try and make sure your bedroom becomes your very own sanctuary of calm in time for sleep. This extends further than just being tidy too. Having screens such as TVs, laptops and smartphones in your room can hinder your chances of rest, as well as harsh lighting, unwanted noise or other distractions. Cancel out as many of these factors as you can, so you’re left with a tidy, dark room, with minimal electronics. Modern Bedroom closeup Just chill out With our modern lives being as busy as they are, it’s often difficult to find time every night to just relax. An hour before you’re due to hit the hay, do something you find calming, like yoga, a little meditation, reading a book or listening to a relaxing podcast. Make sure you have everything you need prepared for the next day, like sorting out your outfit, writing a to do list of the tasks you need to remember, or packing your lunch. Thinking ahead should be completed before you wind down for an hour, so you can focus purely on yourself. Get those worries out your head Keep a notebook and pen handy at your bedside. During your bedtime routine, or even once you’re trying to fall asleep, it can be really useful to write out any thoughts that are niggling at you as you do so. It’s a great way to prevent your brain from constantly trying to remember every little thing you need to do, or are worried about forgetting – get it down on paper, then it’ll definitely be there when you wake up. Not too hot, not too cold There’s nothing worse than trying to sleep in a bedroom that’s too hot, and likewise that’s too cold. Ideally, your bedroom should be somewhere between 18.3°C and 22.2°C. This is perhaps slightly cooler than the rest of your home might be, as a cooler temperature is often more conducive to sleeping. When it’s cold outside it’s easier to keep your room cool, so much so that you might want to invest in a warmer duvet, a hot water bottle or thicker pyjamas during these months. When it’s warm, make sure you take steps to keep your room cooler. Open windows, block out direct sunlight with curtains and keep a nice consistent flow of air circulating around your bedroom. You might like to buy a fan for this time of year, and switch to a summer duvet. Caffine Control your caffeine Caffeine, it’s a complicated thing. Some people can’t function without it, some people can’t process it, but when it comes to developing your bedtime routine, make sure you ditch the caffeine at least six hours before you want to go to bed. The same goes for alcohol, it can stop you getting a proper night’s sleep, so avoid that during your bedtime wind-down too. To keep things simple, we’ve gathered the following points to help you create your bedtime routine: Throughout the day • Keep screens out of your bedroom • Stop drinking caffeine around six hours before bed Towards the end of your day • Make sure your bedroom is tidy • Get everything ready for the next day • Write down any remaining tasks or worries In the hour before bed • Avoid those screens! • Read, listen to music, do some yoga and generally just chill out Did you know how well you sleep can be affected as soon as first thing in the morning? Take a look at our guide to creating the perfect morning routine, and our morning routines for couples guide, and get your sleep habits well and truly sorted. Images: ©, ©, ©