Teachers consider most rested students to be the "brightest", study reveals

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



If you want your ch116261634ildren to do well in school you should make sure they are in their children's bed by a decent hour, as a recent study has highlighted the impact of poor rest among the young. A study of primary school teachers conducted by The Sleep Council, has shown that 65 per cent of 250 teachers believe that poor sleeping habits can affect the progress of their pupils on a long term basis. The results of the survey, published on March 1st, also showed that 55 per cent of teachers considered the better rested of their pupils to be the brightest. The poll is part of National Bed Month, and aims to make parents and children aware of how poor sleep habits can have a detrimental effect even at a young age. The survey revealed that 48 per cent of teachers specified pupils who had a lack of sleep were unruly and badly behaved. So, if your child is not getting enough sleep, they are not just compromising their own progress, but could be disrupting the progress of others too. With this in mind, it is more important than ever to ensure your children are getting a good night's sleep. Make sure you children are sufficiently calm before bed, by introducing routines such as bath times to relax them. This will ensure a good night's sleep and in turn, a great performance at school the next day.