Report: Women’s dreams are wilder than men’s

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



80619534Our dreams come in a range of weird and wonderful experiences, taking us on a cinematic rollercoaster into our subconsciousness. However, it seems that some individuals are more familiar with the scope of dreaming than others, a new report has suggested. According to IOL lifestyle report released this month (September 18th), women have been found to experience a wider variety of dreams than men. Dream researcher Professor Kelly Bulkeley, co-author of Dreaming on the Classroom, has carried out a number of studies in the area and is featured in the news resource. She identifies a number of causal factors behind the vivid dreams of women. Changing hormone patterns throughout pregnancy or the menstrual cycle aid our understanding of the female dream experience, she explains. Professor Bulkeley said: “Women have more nightmares, more emotional dreams, more surreal ones and greater trouble sleeping. “Pregnancy has a big impact on dreaming. There’s more dream recall, more images involving animals and water, and more nightmares.”