How To Sleep After Scariness!

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren


Sleep Well

Only one day to go until Halloween! Wooooooo!!!!  It's often a fun, lighthearted way to enjoy life when things feel a bit drab due to the onset of the cold weather.  To get into the spirit of things, many people like to watch scary films around this time, but what effect do they have on our ability to get to sleep on a night? Studies show that what we watch actually does have an effect on what we dream about so if you like to watch scary films - especially before bed, it may have an effect on your ability to sleep well.  This said, being in the know about sleep and all, we have a few little tips that may help you to counteract this in order for you to sleep as sound as possible - even after watching the creepiest of films! 1.  Before going to bed after watching a scary film, try and think happy thoughts - think about butterflies and flowers or sunny beaches and far off shores - that will stop the nasty, blood thirsty thoughts before you go to sleep! 2.  Leave the landing light on - I know it's sounds childish but because of being used to horror  films and their format, we tend to link the dark with scary things - almost like the monsters only come out in the dark!  So, if the landing light is on and at least a little bit of light is trickling into your bedroom, hopefully this will just settle your mind in order to drift off to sleep. 3.  Listen to some soothing music before bed - maybe something classical or ballad like.  This will help the brain to remember lullabies from when you were a child and again, help happy thoughts to enter your head! If you take our advice, we are certain that most people will be able to watch gruesome movies as well as sleep soundly afterwards - and that means that you can then get right into the spirit of things and enjoy Halloween to the full! How To Sleep After A Scary Film!