Record-breaking DJ can't wait for bed

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Belgian DJ Peter Van de Veire could think of nothing but his double bed after breaking a world record by hosting the longest radio show ever. AA042749 Mr Van de Veire kept going for eight days and seven nights in support of all the students who are desperately revising for their exams, but after the seventh night he was more than ready to hit the hay. "I'm not doing another night, I'm just not," he told his listeners. In order to get through the 184 hours of hosting, the 40-year-old revealed he required "good medical supervision and a good diet", along with perseverance. Each hour he completed, the DJ was allowed a five-minute break, although he was allowed to store this time up if he wished. Other rules meant he was not allowed to be joined by a co-presenter, any guests were limited to a minute of speech and no music track could play for over six minutes. Although he was allowed 15-minute power naps, as he emerged from the Dutch-language broadcasting studio on June 18th, the Belgian said: "It feels great, but now I can only think of one thing - sleep, sleep, sleep." Peter is waiting for his record-breaking feat to be confirmed by Guinness World Records.