Pets on beds trend

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



young couple in a bedA quarter of British pet owners allow their beloved pets to sleep in bed with them, according to figures published earlier this month. The ICM survey found that pets in Scotland were most likely to crawl into bed with their owner at night, with dogs and cats coming out as the most popular pets to do so. Of the respondents, 16 per cent – 137 people – said they would always share their bed with a pet, nine per cent said they would do this regularly, 24 per cent said rarely and 51 per cent said they would never allow it. Meanwhile, women were more likely than men to allow their animal to sleep in bed with them – 27 per cent compared with 22 per cent – the research found. However, experts have warned that those who routinely share their bed with their pet may be prone to health implications, such as the transmission of roundworm and fleas.