If sleep is poor, 'not much else will work well for you'

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



stk112137rkeA sleep expert has asserted that if you're unable to get a good quality of sleep each and every night, it will be nigh-on impossible to get a high quality of life in other ways. Speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald, sleep research fellow at the University of South Australia's Centre for Sleep Research Dr Sarah Blunden said that adults seem to be very good at adapting to fewer hours of sleep. Sadly, they don't realise the possible impact of the problem. "We know that if we don't sleep, we don't do well but we do adapt to less sleep, so that's a reinforcement that it's OK to go without,'' she explained. "But we do know that over the long term, people who sleep less than optimum hours are more prone to serious diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer." Dr Blunden went on to explain that there are three key reasons why people don't sleep well: psychological, physiological and environmental problems. She added: "To sleep, the body needs to be in what I call a state of 'oneness' - calm mind, have everything done, not be stressed, have the correct environment around you, the right time of day, be tired enough … Amazingly, we do all these things normally."