Hugh Jackman uses film script for bedtime read

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



86533542X-Men star Hugh Jackman has admitted to learning the script of his new film in a rather peculiar way – by reading it to his 11-year-old son as a bedtime story. In an interview with Entertainmentwise published last week (October 11th), the Australian actor revealed that he irresponsibly left the reading of the script for Real Steel to the last minute and was caught off guard when his meeting with the film’s director was brought forward. Comfortable boys beds are traditionally thought to encourage sleep, but in a desperate attempt to learn his script, Mr Jackman read lines to his son in a bid to both process the information and get his son to drift off to sleep. “It was 20:00 and I was about to read Tintin to my boy so I was like ‘Hey Oscar how about I read you some of this script, you’re going to love it’. I started reading it and I was really getting into it. This is when I looked up and he said ‘Go on. Go on!’ He made me read it to him for the next ten nights ever night,” he explained.