Five ways to ensure good sleep tonight

Jonathan Warren

Author: Jonathan Warren



Sleep is a complex thing. The benefits of a good night's sleep are immense, and the detriment to the body when we don't get enough can be drastic. We know these things, but somehow, the added pressure of knowing that we need to sleep doesn't always result in a restful night. The Express realised this, and took the matters into their own hands by asking for sleep advice from everyone with an opinion in the sleep industry. From Feng Shui experts to personal trainers, many professionals have an answer to sleep deprivation that may well help you snooze better tonight.
From the perspective of a doctor, it's recommended that you avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed. "Sleep is a natural process that you cannot control but worrying will push it further away. Learning to let go of trying to control your sleep is very important," comments Dr Guy Meadows, founder of The Sleep School. This sentiment is similarly echoed by the sleep coach, Charlie Morley. "Practise mindfulness or meditation," Morley suggests, "Do gentle stretching and yoga or read a book. If you wake in the middle of the night don't worry. Rather than starting to check emails take a few breaths and try to relax." He reiterates his point by saying not to worry about sleep – else it won't happen. Unsurprisingly, the Feng Shui expert dubs the bedroom as the most important room in the house, and states that as such, it should be entirely dedicated to sleep. "The sun rises in the east so make sure your headboard is pointing in that direction to surround you with positive energy. Have a solid wall behind your bed to provide you with a feeling of security but keep the space above your bed clear of beams or ornaments," comments Amanda Kenton.
No matter what method you decide to try, the important thing is that you get the amount of sleep that you need to perform at your optimum – don't be afraid to try something new!
 Five ways to ensure good sleep tonight Five ways to ensure good sleep tonight